We have been very busy and full of new adventures this summer. Here is a re cap of what we have been up to.

Our Ghana trip was a blessed experience. We were not surprised when we found Ghana was just like Naija (Nigeria). As much as they try to separate us, we are one.

During our second day we traveled to ancient city of Larteh, well known for African Spirituality. We met the senior Asuo Shrine of the world with its owner Nana Yaw. We give thanks to all the African spiritual forms keeping us alive and well everyday.

Our third day we had the honor of communing in nature. We traveled through the sacred forest appeasing the deities and collecting herbs.

Lastly we had the opportunity to attend Chief Priest Nana Yaw Gyebi’s Asuo Gyebi Festival 2019!

Ghana was such an amazing blessed experience and we are grateful our ancestors and the divine forces continue to provide us opportunities to connect with our family all over the world. Check out the pictures below!